At Advent, we believe faith development happens at all ages. Our mission is helping kids and families grow in faith together. We do this when we:
- Love God.
- Love Others.
- Go Share.
At Advent, we believe faith development happens at all ages. Our mission is helping kids and families grow in faith together. We do this when we:
LifeGroups are one way we help children connect to each other and to God, to build their faith foundation. We meet to learn God’s story and to respond to God’s word through story, song, games, crafts, laughter, and discussion.
Each class has a sign indicating the grade or age level. Please let the teachers know of any allergies or special concerns. We are an inclusive congregation and will work with you to accommodate any special learning needs your child might have. We encourage parents to partner with our classes by serving in the classroom as a lead or assisting in the lesson time.
Checking in Your Child on Sunday Mornings: We use an electronic check-in system for your child’s safety. Please check-in all children using the system and be sure to keep your parent pick-up tag. Check-in begins 15 minutes before each service begins at 8:45am (9:00am service) and 10:15am (10:30am service).
Who: K3 – 5th grade. All ages and grades promote once a year in the fall.
What: Kids LifeGroups include a time of worship through teaching, singing, games, crafts, and LifeGroup time.
Where: The Education Building
Who: K3 – 5th grade. All ages and grades promote once a year in the fall.
What: Kids LifeGroups include a time of worship through teaching, singing, games, crafts, and LifeGroup time.
Where: The Education Building
Each year, Advent Kids hosts community events and milestone events for our Advent Kids families. Check out these events below:
Yearly Community Events
Milestone Events
Nursery care is provided for babies 6 weeks through 3 years on Sunday Mornings in the Education Building. Nursery Care is available every Sunday for all worship services. Our young babies and toddlers are lovingly cared for by a team of staff and volunteers. We consider our Nursery at Advent not to be childcare, but to be a ministry both to the child and the parent.
Nursery Requirements
Midweek childcare will only be for those enrolled in Disciples’ Path or in a Wednesday night Adult LifeGroup for children ages 6 weeks – 5th grade. Childcare will be from 6:30pm – 7:30pm for Wednesday night LifeGroups or Disciples’ Path. If you are interested in joining a Wednesday night LifeGroup, contact Pete Aubin for more details.
Who: Children whose parents/guardians are in Disciples Path or Wednesday night LifeGroup.
When: Wednesdays from 6:30pm- 7:30pm
Where: Education Building
During the Spring semester we will continue to learn all about the seasons of the liturgical church calendar in a fun, hands on way, as well as a Lenten study. This offering is on Wednesday nights from 6:30pm-7:30pm for 2nd grade through 5th grade. These ages are not required to attend this class. You may choose the childcare option if your child is not interested in attending a nighttime class AND if parents attend a Wednesday evening LifeGroup or Disciples’ Path class.
Who: Children in 2nd-5th Grade
When: Wednesdays from 6:30pm- 7:30pm
Where: Education Building, E108/E111
We provide Safe Sanctuary training and do background checks on all those who are in ministry with our children. Please contact the church office for further information.