What it means to be a member rather than just a long-term visitor of the Advent family

At Advent, you can be as active and engaged in the life of our congregation as you want without becoming a member.

Becoming a member of the Advent family means making a promise to faithfully serve God and others and to support this congregation with your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. All our members make these promises to one another as we together seek to grow in faith and love of God.

Our mission at Advent is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world, not simply “members” of the church.


What it means to be a disciple at Advent

We define a disciple as “A follower of Jesus whose life is centered on loving God and loving others” (James Harnish, A Disciple’s Path). Through our own spiritual disciplines and the Holy Spirit working through us, we believe we get better at loving God and loving others and grow more and more in the image of Christ.

Because our goal is to make disciples and not members, if you want to become a member, we ask that you complete our seven-week discipleship class.

Our Discipleship Class

To become a member at Advent, you must participate in the seven-week study, A Disciple’s Path. This study explains what it means to be a disciple in the United Methodist church and helps create communities of people at Advent! It also examines each of the five promises you make when joining the church; committing to be faithful to the church with your prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness.

Whether you worship at our Five Forks campus or Scuffletown campus, please register for the next Discipleship Course using the link below.

Course overview:

  • Week 1: Introduction
  • Week 2: Discipleship in the Way of Grace
  • Week 3: The Path of Biblical Prayer
  • Week 4: The Priority of Presence
  • Week 5: Money Matters
  • Week 6: The Way of Service
  • Week 7:“The Way of Witness/Next Steps